Cool Retro Terminal

I often don't blog about this kind of stuff. Yesterday I friend of mine showed me this awesome project called cool-retro-term.

When you work with Cloud Computing and DevOps Engineering you spend lots of time on the black screen testing things on the cloud.  When I saw this project I got very excited because it brings some nostalgy back to my life. To be 100% clearI'm not that old as my friend :-) However I share his joy into this retro terminals. This also reminds me some old games like Fallout 1. I just this is pure fun so I'm sharing here with you guys some screenshots and also how to run on Gnome Ubuntu 17.04.

Cool Retro Terminal Screenshots

How to Install on Ubuntu 17.4

Needless to say that this technology is best appreciated with this other very useful programs.

Diego Pacheco

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